Science & Society

More Stories in Science & Society

  1. Humans

    Let’s learn about fingerprints

    Researchers are still making new discoveries about how our fingerprints form — and how to use them to solve crimes.

  2. Tech

    Scientists Say: Digital Footprint

    Your digital footprint contains both what you post online — and information about your online activity collected by others.

  3. Artificial Intelligence

    How to design artificial intelligence that acts nice — and only nice

    Today’s bots can’t turn against us, but they can cause harm. “AI safety” aims to train this tech so it will always be honest, harmless and helpful.

  4. Artificial Intelligence

    ‘Jailbreaks’ bring out the evil side of chatbots

    Researchers break chatbots in order to fix them. This so-called red-teaming is an important way to improve AI’s behavior.

  5. Artificial Intelligence

    AI learned how to influence humans by watching a video game

    New research used the game Overcooked to show how AI can learn to collaborate with — or manipulate — us.

  6. Psychology

    You’re too distracted. Here’s why that matters and what to do about it

    Science reveals the many reasons we are so distracted, from poor sleep and social media to diet and exercise. It also shows us how to take back our focus.

  7. Humans

    Explainer: What is autism?

    Autism is not a disease, but a description used to characterize a certain type of brain development.

  8. Plants

    This urban gardener is mimicking nature to create healthier plants

    Urban garden specialist Kwesi Joseph is experimenting with rock dust and plants. He also helps New York City community and school gardens with gardening problems.

  9. Science & Society

    U.S. lawmakers look for ways to protect kids on social media

    The U.S. government wants to protect young social media users from exploitation, bullying and more. The companies should play a role in this, it says.
