Questions for ‘Ringing’ in the ears may signal serious ear damage

Many musicians protect their hearing with custom-made earplugs. You can, too.
Michael Mongin/Unsplash (CC Zero)
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Many musicians protect their hearing with custom-made earplugs. You can, too.
Michael Mongin/Unsplash (CC Zero)
To accompany feature “‘Ringing’ in the ears may signal serious ear damage”
1. Have you ever experienced ringing, hissing or buzzing in your ears after being exposed to loud noises?
2. What steps can people take to protect their hearing?
1. What events led up to Alex Smith experiencing tinnitus?
2. What are the causes and symptoms of persistent tinnitus?
3. What effects can persistent tinnitus have on a young person’s life?
4. What is an otolaryngologist?
5. What did Ganz Sanchez and her colleagues measure in their new study?
6. What percentage of students in the study reported persistent tinnitus?
7. What other symptoms did students with persistent tinnitus in the study report?
8. Why is reduced sound level tolerance important?
9. According to Mraz, why is it not surprising that none of the students with persistent tinnitus and reduced sound level tolerance had been diagnosed before taking part in the new study?
10. What are some techniques that people use to cope with persistent tinnitus?
1. What steps can you take to reduce your risk of developing persistent tinnitus and hearing loss?
2. If you or someone you know suspects they may have persistent tinnitus, what would you advise them to do?
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