Roberta Kwok

All Stories by Roberta Kwok
Transgender researchers want to make an impact
Transgender scientists and engineers face extra hurdles. But they are gaining support. And trans researchers are finding peers through meetings and social media.
- Animals
When parenting goes cuckoo
Brood parasites are animals that trick another species into raising their young. This is known among birds, fish and insects.
- Microbes
Amoebas are crafty, shape-shifting engineers
It’s easy to overlook amoebas — but we shouldn’t. These one-celled wonders can build their own shells, punch holes in prey and even farm bacteria.
- Life
The mixed-up world of hybrid animals
When animals from related species mate, they may produce hybrid offspring. These animals can display a jumble of traits, such as colors, shapes or behaviors.
- Science & Society
Science on a shoestring
Scientists in lower-income countries encounter hurdles such as small budgets, lack of equipment and long wait times for supplies.
- Ecosystems
As trees come down, some hidden homes are disappearing
Animals such as frogs, toucans and possums live in tree hollows. But as people have cut down trees, a wildlife housing shortage has developed in some places.
- Science & Society
Calling scientists of all colors
More black, Hispanic and Native American scientists and engineers are needed to tackle important problems such as climate change and disease.
- Animals
The shocking electric eel!
Electric eels are fascinating animals. Their powerful zaps can act like a radar system, trick fish into revealing their location and then freeze their prey’s movements.
- Microbes
The bugs within us
Hordes of bacteria live inside people and other animals. This ‘microbiome’ can affect the development of the blood-brain barrier, food choices — even mating.
- Health & Medicine
Secrets of slime
Mucus—snot—can be so gross. It’s also critical for many animals, including hagfish, snails and people. Snot can rid our bodies of nasty bacteria and viruses. In other creatures, it can smooth the road or rough up predators.
- Animals
Ants on guard
Tiny insects can take on big critters — from fly larvae to giraffes — in defense of their home, sweet home. And that home pays them back for this help.
- Animals
True vampires
Forget Count Dracula or Twilight’s Edward and Bella. Many creatures have a true thirst for blood, and here’s why.